Monday, March 7, 2011

Thank You!

A special thanks to all the students who make Blue's Gold Credit Union a success!

Cover Models!

My Spring semester CIS (Computer Information Systems) students had so much fun using Microsoft Word's desktop publishing features to create magazine covers featuring themselves as the cover models! Here are a few of my favorites!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Blue's Gold Credit Union LOGO!!

Blue's Gold Credit Union now has an official logo. We ran a school-wide contest and voted on the logo that would best represent BGCU. Congratulations to Maurica Bynum for designing the winning logo. It looks great!

Blue's Gold Credit Union (as seen on YouTube!)

Blue's Gold Credit Union (BGCU) is the student-run credit union at Windsor High School. My accounting students run and market BGCU. Below you will find several commercials my students produced, starred in, edited, and uploaded to YouTube. These commercials advertise contests that promote student involvement in BGCU and encourage students to begin practicing good financial habits.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Career Prezis!

After researching careers of interest, students were required to write an MLA documentation styled research paper using the many functions of Microsoft Word 2007. Students then gave presentations to the class on the careers they researched. Instead of using Power Point, which we've seen time and time again, students used Prezi as their presentation tool. They were all wonderful, but here are a few samples of the Prezis my students created.

Magazine Covers

After learning the desktop publishing features of Microsoft Word 2007, my students were required to create magazine covers featuring themselves as the cover models. Here are a few of my favorites!